Forgive my inappropriate-ness if this is found offensive. This was one of the more decent images I found for when the poop hits the fan... and it made me laugh out loud.
Do you ever have those days when everything is easy? Then, are you faced with those days when everything is piled on... some more, some more and some more? You are faced with an overwhelming sense of overwhelmingness and all you want to do is cry... but scream... but want to fix it... and get out of this stinking hole of self-pity because come on... so many people have it worse off... but because these problems are so overwhelming in your tiny self-obsessed world you can't think of anything else but your ginormous crock pot filled with piles of problems on top of each other stewing, slowly filling your world with its aroma of problems problems problems...
... and then there is one more flying pile of poop that lands in this problem crock pot, and it all explodes.
That is where I'm at today. Overwhelmed by life and reality... desiring so many things that do not seem realistic and just searching for encouragement. Do you ever have those days where the Holy Spirit just prompts you to think about someone and either call or email them... I was hoping someone had a day like that for me. I have been scouring my email for just that. Man, do I ever sound self-obsessed!!!
Well, I looked on the VWM's blog to read her recent post and I felt encouraged. Here is someone whom I have never met, but have the utmost respect for. She is so real and because she is real she makes me feel like I can still live for Christ despite the royal schmuckness I can be... daily. I encourage you to read it... especially if you're having a day where you feel like it is a day when it is all going to hit the fan. View it here
Lay it all down... lay it all down... lay it all down!
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