Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's Your Favorite Quote?

My husband and I have been offered a very sweet deal. Rent at a crazy cheap price for the summer. I am thankful for generous friends who offer themselves, their contacts, and their resources. My friend just bought a house, and is allowing us to take over live in her basement for the summer.

 We find this bittersweet. Although this is a wise choice, I find myself getting sad. Sad to leave this beautiful place that is full of fond memories. This is our first "Real" place. We can't count the basement suite we lived in for 4 years. I refuse to count anything that has fungus literally growing through the carpet. This place is still classified as an apartment but it feels like a house.

 Our option is stay here and continue to sink, or move out and get back on our feet. Although this is a very wise choice, it is still a very difficult one to make. Even though I titled this blog before I started writing, I realize my writings have been good self-therapy for the past 2 minutes.

 My heart hurts. This is our home. I know "home is where the heart is" but this is where we literally grew up. We are in year 7 of our marriage, we are now parents... and we are broke. Bringing it back to the purpose of this... it is a wise choice.

 As we have been slowly going through our stuff (downsizing, procrastinating from packing) I came across a quote book I started a few years ago. In there I have lots of Bible verses and quotes that have made a great impact in my life. Some of these are from famous people, others are not. Some are lyrics to songs, or something I heard in a movie. I enjoy this little book because in it holds a great treasure of words. These words are so very encouraging to me.

 So, I ask you this: What is your favorite quote? Do you mind sharing them with me? If the comment section does not work, please send an email to warriorprincess306@gmail.com. If there are enough, I'll do a series. If not, I will do a post. They can be funny, deep, fluffy, etc. If you wish to share a story behind why this particular quote has such meaning to you, you can do a guest post on my blog.

 I found it very fitting to find this quote on a scrap piece of paper and be able to put it in my book today. As we are car-less and jobless, I found encouragement in it. "Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and everything is ok."  Such a great reminder!

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