Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Life On Display #6 -- What Separation Did For Me

I call those 4 months my husband and I were separated as the best-worst months of my life.

I got married very young. I will never regret that decision because I married the right person at the right time. With hindsight being 20/20, I have realized I was a very broken person when I got married. That made me an unpleasant person as crap from my past slowly came to the surface and I had to deal with it.

I had become very complacent as a Christian. I was working in a Christian school at that time, and seeing so much hypocrisy around me made me not to want to be around Christians... or anything like them. I had been hurt multiple times by my Christian friends and family... etc. I used this as a way to justify my back-sliding but really, I was just getting lazy in my walk with God. I remember thinking I needed a wake up call and knowing I didn't want one. Less than 3 weeks later, my world was rocked, I was alone, and the only place I could turn to was God.

I was surrounded by some very beautiful people who upheld me in prayer, who listened to me, and who eventually called me on my crap. Though these people weren't perfect and made some mistakes, I still was blessed to have these people in my life.

I read books, sought out counselling, and did a Beth Moore bible study. God made me whole. He made me a better woman, wife, daughter, friend... person. I would NEVER want to re-live this, but through this, God made me a better person, and I am thankful for that.

"He heals the brokenhearted
and bandages their wounds." Psalm 147:3

I am not naive enough to say we are fully healed as a couple, but God did a mighty work in our lives.

Two months after my husband moved back home, I got pregnant. We have had many insensitive things said to us regarding the timing but we KNOW God answered the prayer I prayed 3 1/2 years before... "God, don't give us a child until this is dealt with..."

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