Thursday, March 15, 2012

What to write?

Do you ever have those moments where you read all those blogs of epic proportions and feel like crap?  It's like those moments where you step on the scale, realize all your hard work paid off and you actually lost one pound, and then you go shopping with your best friend who looks like a model.

Sometimes those incredible bloggers scare me almost to the point of deleting my blog.

There are times when I tell my husband, I don't have a lot of followers (not to undermine the one faithful follower I do have... thank you M!!) the other follower doesn't count because it is me, and I don't know how I started following myself, or how to stop?!?!

Wow, tangent.  Let me start that paragraph again.  So, there are the times where I whine to my husband about how I don't have a blog of epic proportions, and how I don't know if my writings sound too whiny, or if I am really trying to get my point across,  and why this, and that, etc and he looks at me with those incredibly sexy eyes and tells me "that's not why you do it..."

Dang, he's right.

However, that doesn't mean insecurity doesn't come in the way.

Why do I write?

Even though I love journaling, I haven't been able to do it too much since my son was born.  I have been able to blog.  Go figure.

I write because there is that calling on my life where I have been told many many times that I will be able to help people out because of all I have been through so there is that hope someone is being reached... and encouraged... and challenged.

I write because there have been those blogs where I have been reached... and encouraged... and challenged.

I write because I am an internal processor.

I write because even though I like to think I am anonymous, I am slowly peeling back those layers and starting to let people close to me know about this blog.  So in a sense, writing has allowed me to start coming out of my shell.

Why are we always so bound by insecurity????

So, it is in my insecurity that I ask this:  Do you mind adding me to your blog roll?  If you are not on mine, but would like to be, just leave it in the comments and I will add you.

I am a blog-surfer.  I love to go from blog to blog.  I sometimes end up reading the most random, yet wonderful blogs this way.

Yup... that's all I have to say.


  1. You're on my blog roll and, even though I'm not officially a "follower" (I'm not a follower of anyone's blog but check regularly through the blog list on my blog), know that I am following and reading and praying. :)

  2. I blog click too, and have found some of the neatest blogs this way. I don't have a blog roll, I haven't thought about it before.

    I struggle with this too. Sometimes I write and like what I put out there. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Sometimes I have many posts in the same week, and sometimes a month goes by and I have no time, or no desire to write anything. Sometimes I am worried about offending, sometimes I am worried about revealing too much, especially where my kids are concerned. I have had a few comments in the past that made me consider killing my whole blog. Sometimes, I think planning and writing for the blog takes up too much of my time and attention and that I should just let it go. Sometimes I am blown away by how many people read a post, and others, I wonder why there aren't more. For me, I think the funniest thing that bothers me, is that my husband has never read a single post of mine. He keeps meaning too, but I guess his opinion matters more to me than any strangers might, so sometimes my feelings get hurt. And in the end, I have to remember why I write... for me to process. I used to process on paper, but now I find it time to make time to write, and it's faster to type. I still don't honestly know how long I will blog for.

    I'm glad to be a follower here, and sometimes a serial commenter, lol!
