Sunday, September 4, 2011


To fellow bloggers, do you ever look at the stats to see how many views your blog gets in a day/week/month? I have a problem with this... I sign in every couple hours to see if my blog is being read, or if I am just writing to some infinite void.

I know people check this blog. I'm wondering if it is worth writing in it. I know it is a good way to get stuff out, to vent and to talk about myself like I am the most important person in the world, but I honestly love to help people.

So I'm asking a favor: Can you post a comment? Whether I know you or not (especially if I don't know you), whether this is your first time viewing this blog or 50th, and whether it is the date I wrote this post or 5 years from now, please, leave a comment.

Now, if you're like me and crazy shy or scared about not knowing me and leaving a comment, I understand. If you look at the blogs I stalk, I only personally know a few of the people. I have left comments on peoples blogs whom I don't know personally before and I hope it has encouraged them.

So, thank you...


  1. Hi!
    I agree, I love comments on my blog. I love it when I post a link to my blog in my facebook page and people comment about a post.
    I ended up at your blog because I was looking at my blog stats. I am always curious who is reading my ramblings, and how they got there, so I always look at the links to my blog, and I noticed several people had clicked to my blog from yours, and since I didn't recognize it, I started checking it out because I was curious how you found me, lol!
    That's me, over there on your blog roll, from a penny saved :)

  2. Thanks Melissa! Jocelyn gave me the link to your blog months ago when she made me homemade hot chocolate and told me about your blog and the way you save money. I love it! So, thanks for posting a comment :)--WP

  3. Hi there,
    I just found your blog from my stats.
    I really appreciate your openness and honesty. You just never know how many 'anonymous' people need to read your words.

    Hooray for comments!
