Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Life On Display #1


A word that leaves me sick to my stomach.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, a word is worth a thousand pictures. Plus a thousand a thousand more.

A growing industry which leaves men and women both violated. Violated of a healthy marriage, violated of a healthy relationship...violated of respect.

Viewing a single image can have a person addicted for life. It is more addictive than heroin or cocaine. If it is the most addictive substance on earth, why is it legal?

It is still a huge taboo subject in the church. I wish it wasn't. I wish parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, and friends were better informed. Giving people the reality check that yes, this in fact is a disease, a terrifying addiction that can lead to immediate adultery with one click of a mouse. And No, once you are married, it doesn't get better. It gets worse. Maybe not right away, but the addiction will come creeping back like it always does so you better as heck be on guard.

If I sound like I speak from experience... its because I do. With only being 1 1/2 years past the last violation in our marriage, I know I'm still healing. But through that healing, and of course permission from my husband, I'm ready to share, and I pray it helps at least one person who may be screaming on the inside, feeling like they can't go on. This is for you.

Writing my story in one post would not only be time consuming, it would be emotionally draining so I guess here's my first series. MY LIFE ON DISPLAY...

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